Friday, 30 September 2011

Ruling on one who speaks words of kufr without realising their meaning


What is the ruling on one who says “I am a communist” without understanding it?.

Praise be to Allaah.

Words matter according to the great religion of Allaah: by
means of a word a person speaks, Allaah may raise him in status, and by
means of a word he speaks he may be doomed to Hell. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher
by him ready (to record it)”

[Qaaf 50:18] 

al-Bukhaari (5996) and Muslim (5304) narrated from Abu
Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon
him) said: “ A person may speak a word, not realizing what he is saying, and
he will fall because of it into the Fire further than the distance between
the East and West.” 

Al-Tirmidhi (2241) narrated in a report which he classed as
saheeh, that Bilaal ibn al-Haarith said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah
(blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) say: “One of you may speak a
word that pleases Allaah, and not know how far it reaches, but Allaah will
decree that He is pleased with him until the Day he meets Him. And one of
you may speak a word that angers Allaah, and not know how far it reaches,
but Allaah will decree that He is angry with him, until the Day he meets

Al-Nasaa’i (3712) narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Buraydah that
his father said: the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be
upon him) said: “Whoever says ‘I have nothing to do with Islam’ and is
lying, he is as he said, and if he is telling the truth, he will never come
back to Islam soundly.” 

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in al-Irwa’ (2576). 

Communism is a kind of atheism that is based on denial of the
existence of God and veneration of the material, which it regards as the
basis of all things. It does not value religion in general, any religion.
Rather they regard religion as people's problems or as they say, the opium
of the people, meaning that it distracts them from their material aims which
form the basis of their ideology. 

Undoubtedly this is one of the most dangerous kinds of kufr
in the modern age, by which many people have been deceived and which has
persecuted many people of religious commitment and faith. 

Undoubtedly what is required of everyone who hears of this
ideology and finds out about it is to reject it and to disavow himself of it
and of its people before Allaah. Veneration of this ideology, belief in it,
promotion of it or love of it and its people cannot coexist with faith in
the heart of anyone. 

The one who joins them when he is aware of them and of the
misguidance that they follow is a disbeliever in Allaah the Almighty. If the
one who says these words is ignorant of the basis of their ideology or has
been deceived by their claims with regard to social and economic matters and
their claims to care for the poor, to help them and to guarantee their
rights, then he must be told of the real nature of this ideology and the
danger it poses to religious commitment and faith, and that Allaah has made
His slaves independent, by means of the laws that He has revealed to them,
of the need for any religion, sect or ideology  other than that. 

We suggest that any advice given to those who have been
deceived by this ideology should be given in a kind and gentle manner,
debating in a good way and explaining the evidence for that from sharee’ah.
The one who is engages in that should have sufficient understanding of this
kaafir ideology and be skilled in debating and arguing, because most of
those who are deceived by this ideology are very capable in argument and

If he is indeed ignorant of this group and its origins, or he
is ignorant of how it conflicts with the faith that is required of people,
then he is excused for his ignorance. But if he persists, after things are
explained to him, then he is a kaafir and an apostate. 

We ask Allaah to protect our faith and to help us avoid fitnah, both apparent and hidden.

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